North Halifax, Elland, Bradford and Todmorden


Black Tag Syllabus
1st Kup
Choong Moo
Pattern:- Choong Moo Tul (30 movements).
Choong Moo was the name given to the great Admiral Yi Soon-Sin of the Yi dynasty. He was reported to have invented the first armoured battleship (Kobukson) in 1592, which is said to be the precursor of the present day submarine. The pattern ends with a left-hand attack to symbolise his regrettable death, never reaching his full potential due to his loyalty to the king.
Belt:- Black
Black belt is the opposite of white, indicating the wearer's proficiency and maturity in Taekwon-do. It also represents the wearer's imperviousness to darkness and fear.
Origins of Choong Moo
Admiral Yi Soon Sin is a naval commander from the 16th Century, and is famed for his victories against the Japanese during the Imjin Wars.
He was never defeated during his time as commander, and created the battleship Kubukson, translated as "Turtle Ship". The turtle ships designed by Yi held eleven cannons on each side of the ship, with two each at the stern and the bow. The ship's figurehead was in the shape of a dragon. The figurehead itself held up to four cannons, and emitted a smokescreen that, in combination with its fierce appearance, was meant to be used as psychological warfare. The sides of the turtle ship were dotted with smaller holes from which arrows, guns, and mortars could be fired. The roof was covered with planks and spikes. The purpose of the spikes was to prevent the ship from being boarded by the enemy. The larger Japanese ships' sides were higher than the turtle ships' and thus, the spikes prevented boarders from jumping down onto the roof without risking impalement. There were two masts that held two large sails. The turtle ship was also steered and powered by twenty oars, each of which were pulled by two men during fair conditions and five in foul seas or combat.
Despite his successes, Yi had enemies in the King's court. A Japenese double agent infiltrated the Korean army, and quickly won over the Korean General, Kim-Gyeong Seo, saying that he would spy on the Japenese. Giving false information, the Japanese double agent convinced Kim-Gyeong Seo that the Japanese were going to attack at a certain area, and that Admiral Yi should wait in ambush. When given his orders, Admiral Yi refused to carry them out, knowing that the area he had been ordered to sail to was filled with sunken rocks and was dangerous.
Yi's rivals pounced on this opportunity, and the King demoted Admiral Yi to a foot solider. Yi served as a foot soldier for many years, until a crippling defeat at the hands of the Japanese at Chilchonryang forced the royal court to reinstate Yi as Admiral again.
Yi died at the Battle of Noryang on December 16, 1598. With the Japanese army on the verge of being completely expelled from the Korean Peninsula, he was mortally wounded by a single bullet. His famous dying words were, "The battle is at its height...beat my war drums...do not announce my death."
Admiral Yi is regarded as the greatest naval commander that the world has ever seen, with the 20th Century Japanese Admiral Togo famously stating that he could be compared to Admiral Nelson, but never could he be compared to the superiority and skill of Admiral Yi Soon Sin.
Theory and Terminology
Jumping side kick TWIMYO YOP CHAGI
Reverse knifehand strike SONKAL DUNG TAERIGI
Back kick DWIT CHAGI
U shaped block DIGUTCHA MAKGI
Upset fingertip thrust DWIJIBO SONKUT TULGI
Twin palm upward block SANG SONBADAK OLLYO MAKGI