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Green Tag Syllabus

7th Kup

Green Tag


Pattern:- Do San Tul (24 movements). 


Do san is the pseudonym of the patriot Ahn Ch’ang Ho (1876-1938), who devoted his life to furthering the education of Korea and its independence movement.


Belt:- Green


Green belt signifies the plants growth as Tae Kwon Do skills begin to develop.


Origins of Do San


Ahn Chang Ho was born on November 9th 1876. His year of birth was the year that the Japanese forced a series of Western-style trade agreements on Korea, which was the catalyst to Japan's eventual annexation of Korea in 1910. 


Despite Japanese occupation of Korea, Ahn felt that he couldn't hate the Japanese as men, and sought a peaceful way to regain national independence. 


In 1899, Ahn established a Cheomjin ("gradual progress") School in Pyongyang, the first modern and co-educational private school established by a Korean. 


Ahn Chang Ho was one of the first Koreans to emigrates to USA. He arrived late September 1902, and as the steamship approached Hawaii, Ahn resolved to stand tall above the sea of turmoil existing in Korea, and called himself Do San, meaning "Island Mountain". After hearing about the "Protectorate Treaty" that the Japanese enforced on Korea in 1906, however, he returned home and created his own independence group. 


At the time, the Japanese were trying to eradicate education for Koreans to try and create a class of slave workers due to illiteracy. However, Ahn worked a ceramic kiln to raise funds to publish and provide books for young Koreans. Ahn repeatedly told Japanese leaders that they would profit from Korea being a friend and not an enemy, but they paid no heed, and passed the Education Act in 1911, and the Japanese began to close all Korean school. Ahn's school was eventually closed in 1913. 


After the assassination of Hiro Bumi Ito , Japan began to tighten its grip on Korean leaders, and Ahn was forced to go into exile in Manchuria, then Siberia, Russia, Europe and finally the USA. In 1919, when the Yi Dynasty was forcefully absorbed into the Japanese Empire, Ahn established underground activities designed to regain Korean independence. He travelled to Shanghai in 1919 to be part of the provisional Korean government in exile, and drew up the Democratic Constitution for Korea. 


On March 1st 1919, the provisional government formally declared its independence from Japan, and called for massive general resistance from the people of Korea. During the demonstrations, thousands were killed, arrested and tortured. In 1932, Ahn was arrested by the Japanese, where he was imprisoned until 1938, when in poor health he was allowed to leave the prison on bail. He died in a hospital in Seoul on March 10th 1938. 


Theory and Terminology


Release move                                                   Jap yasol tae

Outer forearm wedging block                       Bakat palmok hechyo makgi

Knife hand outward block                             Sonkal bakaero makgi

Outer forearm high block                              Bakat palmok Nopunde makgi

Back fist high side strike                                Dung joomuk Nopunde yop taerigi

Straight fingertip thrust                                 Son sonkut tulgi

Sliding                                                               Milkulgi

Spot turn                                                           Gujari dolgi

Fingertip                                                            Sonkut

Fore fist                                                              Ap joomuk

Back fist                                                             Dung joomuk

Foot sword                                                         Balkal

Knife hand                                                         Sonkal

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